Evaluation of Noise, Vibration, and Total Dust Exposures in Automotive Shops

More than 90,000 technicians are currently employed in the automotive maintenance and repair industry in the United States. Working in automotive shops may expose workers to multiple occupational risks, including noise, vibration, dust, fuel, and exhaust emissions. Air and battery-operated tools are widely used in daily activities. Such instruments generate sound pressure levels above 90 dBA and are known to transmit HAV. In addition, employees are exposed to aerosols from tires, suspension and brake systems, as well as gas and vapor emissions. This study focused on evaluation of exposures to noise, vibration, and total dust in automotive shops.

To view Damyan’s poster, click here.

Investigation of the Relationship between Metal Concentrations in Welding Fumes and Toenails for Biomonitoring Chronic Exposures

Welding, soldering, and brazing workers are a critical part of the US workforce, with over 574, 000 employees in 2020. Unfortunately, these workers are frequently exposed to welding fumes that contain metallic particles such as chromium, copper, manganese, iron, and nickel, which can lead to serious adverse health effects such as lung disease, Parkinson-like symptoms, and metal fume fever. However, the dose-response of different metals in a chronic exposure setting is not fully understood. Therefore, the development of a biomarker to assess chronic exposure is critical for assessing potential health risks. This study aims to investigate the use of toenail metal concentrations as biomarkers for chronic exposure to metals.

To view Chang’s poster, click here.

Creating a Breakthrough, Inclusive Performance Culture

By definition, culture is “the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society.”

An inclusive culture is one that embraces and celebrates each contributor’s differences – differences in experiences, backgrounds, and ways of thinking. There’s a lot of research indicating that inclusive businesses have more highly engaged, motivated, and productive workforces.  This session discusses the critical role of leadership in creating a truly inclusive environment through cultural awareness and cultural competency.

Electrical Safety SIF Detection & Solutions, Grainger

Join us for the fourth webinar in Grainger’s Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs) webinar series. Paul Zoubek with Zoubek Consulting, LLC and Jason Weatherford with Grainger will be sharing electrical safety insights focused on preventing and mitigating serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs).

According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) there were 166 electrical fatalities in 2019, which was a 3.75% increase over 2018 and the highest number of electrical fatalities since 2011. There were also 1,900 nonfatal electrical injuries involving days away from work. This was a 22% increase over 2018. The median number of days away from work for nonfatal electrical injuries was 9 in 2019, a 125% increase over 2018.

Every organization has unique working on or near live electricity needs and circumstances / options that must be evaluated so that proper controls can be put in place to eliminate or reduce the potential for serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs).

At the conclusion of this Webinar, you will have a better understanding of:

  • Relationship between OSHA’s electrical standards and NFPA 70E
  • Evolution of NFPA 70E
  • Common working on or near live circuit tasks
  • Causes of arc flash / blast incidents
  • Critical controls that are needed to reduce serious injury and fatality potential
  • Grainger’s solution to help keep your people safe

Control of Hazardous Energy, Grainger

Please join us for the fifth webinar in Grainger’s Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs) series. William Belongea, Safety Services Program Manager with Master Lock, and Mike Carroll, CSP, CSHO Field Safety Specialist with Grainger will be sharing lockout / tagout insights focused on preventing and mitigating serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs).

Machine and equipment energy sources – electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other – can be hazardous to workers. During the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment, the unexpected startup or release of stored energy can result in serious injury or death to workers. Injuries may include but are not limited to electrocution, burns, crushing, cutting, lacerating, amputations, or compound fractures.

At the conclusion of this Webinar, you will have a better understanding of:

  • The relationship between OSHA’s control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout), electrical, and machine guarding standards
  • Workers who service and maintain equipment routinely and face the greatest risk of injury
  • Causes of lockout/tagout incidents
  • Critical controls that are needed to reduce serious injury and fatality potential
  • Grainger’s solution to help keep your people safe and healthy

2021 BCSP R&I Summit Keynote: Dr. Jay R. Harf

Effective OHS professionals must be able to adapt when advising stakeholders and leveraging influence on decisions about matters impacting workplace safety. In this session, Dr. Jay Harf will discuss how L’Oréal is investing in mixed-methods research that informs organizational decision-making about environmental, health, safety, and sustainability (EHSS) initiatives.  Dr. Harf will explore how influential safety leadership research has informed EHSS practice to affect EHSS performance outcomes.

The future safety professional’s role is transforming from a technical and compliance-based manager to an innovative, adaptive servant leader. This Influential Safety leadership initiative is ongoing research conducted by Dr. Harf at L’Oréal NA to create a collaborative learning ecosystem for organizational EHSS professional development, elite management systems, and sustainability

Credential Holders
After watching the video, submit your information for continuing education credits here.

The Safety Training Ninja Goes Virtual

It is hard to be a top-notch safety pro and still find time to deliver great training. Tired of compliance-based lectures, and begging people to come and pay attention? Well stop working so hard and work smarter, be like the Safety Training Ninja© who uses the tools as a master and slices through training challenges.

Apply for a Student Scholarship!

The $5,000 scholarship is available to juniors, seniors, or master’s students in a Qualified Academic Program.
Apply Now

Applications Close October 3.