On the Hunt: EHS Careers

This video details the tools you’ll need to hone your skills in your entry-level EHS position and how veteran employees and supervisors can best support the growth and development of emerging EHS professionals. Information presented is based, in part, upon the experiences of recent graduates early in their careers, supervisors in the field, and collegiate faculty in the safety and occupational health discipline. Presented by Gina T. Chace, BS, MAEd, ASL—Assistant Clinical Professor Keens State College.

Resume Tune-Up

In partnership with BCSP Foundation and BCSP, Shirley Parsons, the global leader in HSEQ talent acquisition and management, offers a “resume tune-up” for career candidates. The tune-up will support your effort to document and persuasively make the case to a future employer through the thoughtful presentation of your experience, credentials and education.