Imagine a world where...

Safety is valued and practiced by all.

The BCSP Foundation is committed to building a safer future through strategic partnerships and investment in research and education—shaping a future where an individual's wellbeing is put at the center of decision-making, and everyone returns home safe, day after day.

Our Priorities

Learn More
  1. Research & Innovation

    Progress is achieved when the status quo is challenged. By investing in research and innovation, we serve as a catalyst for change across the industry and higher education, creating a better, brighter, and safer future for all.

  2. Workforce Development

    Though often the unsung heroes, safety professionals are a critical part of our workforce and communities. By providing education, scholarships, and career pathways for practitioners in the environmental, health, and safety field, we help individuals attain success and, in turn, create a qualified pipeline of trained safety professionals.

  3. Young Worker Safety

    We know that a safer tomorrow can only be achieved if we educate and inspire our youth, today. By engaging with and educating young workers and students, we impart fundamental safety principles and introduce them to potential career opportunities within the field.

Investing today for a safer tomorrow.


Students positively impacted through the BCSP Foundation's student scholarship program.


Awarded to students in EHS programs through the scholarship program— providing funding for the next generation of qualified safety professionals.


In support of innovative researchers and practitioners performed through doctoral dissertations, master's theses, and early-stage research.


In support of accreditation for collegiate EHS programs—helping create a pipeline of qualified EHS students that will positively impact and change the ways in which we work safely.


Subscribers to SHIFT, the BCSP Foundation's free, peer-reviewed journal containing innovative research, best practice guides, student posters, and more.


Hours of free and valuable learning resources dedicated to supporting EHS professionals through our Learning on Demand platform.

Apply for a Student Scholarship!

The $5,000 scholarship is available to juniors, seniors, or master’s students in a Qualified Academic Program.
Apply Now

Applications Close October 3.