Female Leaders in Occupational Safety & Health: Perceived Barriers & Potential Interventions

As a student in the Educational Leadership Doctoral Program at Western Kentucky University (WKU) I was fortunate enough to be able to complete a couple of elective courses specifically focused on female leadership. This led to my interest in wanting to know how women felt about their jobs and what could be done to improve not only their work life but their overall well-being. Women are usually balancing multiple roles and we know that can be both mentally and physically exhausting. After seeing the article from the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) about the low number of women in the safety field, and being a female in this industry myself, it really made me want to understand how that influences women in the industry and how we could make it easier for other women to get into what I think is a great career.

To view Jacqueline’s poster, click here.

Evaluation of Noise, Vibration, and Total Dust Exposures in Automotive Shops

More than 90,000 technicians are currently employed in the automotive maintenance and repair industry in the United States. Working in automotive shops may expose workers to multiple occupational risks, including noise, vibration, dust, fuel, and exhaust emissions. Air and battery-operated tools are widely used in daily activities. Such instruments generate sound pressure levels above 90 dBA and are known to transmit HAV. In addition, employees are exposed to aerosols from tires, suspension and brake systems, as well as gas and vapor emissions. This study focused on evaluation of exposures to noise, vibration, and total dust in automotive shops.

To view Damyan’s poster, click here.

Occupational Health and Safety Risk Factors Amongst Taxi Drivers in Kingston and St. Andrew, Jamaica

Like many occupations in the informal economy, the safety and health concerns and challenges among taxi operators are often under-researched. This study sheds light on the hazardous conditions in the taxi industry and provides information that can assist taxi operators and government agencies in implementing appropriate safety measures. Regardless of occupation, every worker should have access to a healthy and safe environment and receive fair treatment and protection.

To view Christian’s poster, click here.

Emerging Technologies’ Impact on Supply Chain and Worker Safety

Several emerging technologies are impacting the supply chain. World Economic Forum’s top 10 emerging technologies include Digital Twin, Additive Manufacturing, Robotics, AI, and the Internet of Things. These technologies create both an opportunity to reduce risk and potentially create unanticipated hazards. This session is focused on emerging hazards from Additive Manufacturing and solutions that both manufacturers and users should consider to mitigate occupational safety and health risks. The goal is to enable risk recognition and strengthen risk management of EHS practitioners, thereby creating value for the practitioner and their organizations.

Creating a Breakthrough, Inclusive Performance Culture

By definition, culture is “the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society.”

An inclusive culture is one that embraces and celebrates each contributor’s differences – differences in experiences, backgrounds, and ways of thinking. There’s a lot of research indicating that inclusive businesses have more highly engaged, motivated, and productive workforces.  This session discusses the critical role of leadership in creating a truly inclusive environment through cultural awareness and cultural competency.

Mental Health: A Journey of Influence

Join Global Vice President of HSE, Paul Hendry, as he charts the complexities of implementing a mental health program throughout a workforce of 60,000. Hear how Jacobs went from running a positive mental health workshop for 16 employees in 2016 to running the “World’s Biggest Mental Health Check-In”, using their freely available One Million Lives tool in 2022. Through this powerful and insightful presentation, you will learn how mentally fit people are safer, make better decisions, and ultimately create greater returns on investment.  This journey has not been without its challenges and bumps in the road; however, that return on investment is now measurable, and there is clear evidence of the positive impact investing in a mental health program can bring to both organizations and individuals.

An Integrated Management System Approach to Sustainability

Travis Kruse, PhD, CSP, CHMM, Sr. Director, Safety & Sustainability Solutions Strategy, Grainger — Organizations are tasked with managing and continuing to improve environmental, health, safety, and sustainability. With synergies and select overlap organizations must “do more with less” and approach the management strategy in a lean, efficient, and effective way.  This session will outline those synergies and share a management system approach to addressing the challenge.

Investing Through Education: BCSP Foundation Scholarships and Grants

Jordan Geibig, CHST, GSP, STSC Vice-Chair of BCSP’s Emerging Professionals Committee, and Joshua Yates, GSP Emerging Professionals Committee Member, discuss the benefits of the Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) designation, attending a Qualified Academic Program (QAP), and the grants and scholarships offered by the BCSP Foundation.

Control of Hazardous Energy, Grainger

Please join us for the fifth webinar in Grainger’s Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs) series. William Belongea, Safety Services Program Manager with Master Lock, and Mike Carroll, CSP, CSHO Field Safety Specialist with Grainger will be sharing lockout / tagout insights focused on preventing and mitigating serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs).

Machine and equipment energy sources – electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other – can be hazardous to workers. During the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment, the unexpected startup or release of stored energy can result in serious injury or death to workers. Injuries may include but are not limited to electrocution, burns, crushing, cutting, lacerating, amputations, or compound fractures.

At the conclusion of this Webinar, you will have a better understanding of:

  • The relationship between OSHA’s control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout), electrical, and machine guarding standards
  • Workers who service and maintain equipment routinely and face the greatest risk of injury
  • Causes of lockout/tagout incidents
  • Critical controls that are needed to reduce serious injury and fatality potential
  • Grainger’s solution to help keep your people safe and healthy