Nicholas Sexton Named Recipient of Dotson Emerging Professionals Award

The BCSP Foundation and Kyle B. Dotson, CSP, CIH, BCEE, founder of Dotson Group, LLC, an EHS Safety Services organization, are pleased to announce the 2024 recipient of the Dotson Emerging Professionals Award.

Nicholas Sexton, MPH, ARM, CIH, CPCU, CSP, is a dedicated safety professional with more than 12 years in the industry. He currently serves as the Regional Manager of Liberty Mutual Insurance’s Risk Control Consulting Center. In this role, Sexton leads a group of safety and risk management professionals who provide virtual consulting to Liberty Mutual’s commercial clients across eight countries. He was chosen to receive this award based on his current contributions to the profession, his dedication to volunteering, and his capacity to advance the profession through his research efforts.

“This grant will bring my research across the finish line,” said Sexton. “It is my hope that my professional achievements in the last 12 years, as well as my volunteer services to the profession, resonate with others.”

Sexton is a dedicated and distinguished volunteer with organizations that include the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). He joined ASSP in 2017 and began volunteering with the Arizona Chapter on their Professional Development Conference (PDC) Committee. “I help secure sponsors, vendors, and speakers to provide networking and continuing education units for an average of 250 professionals per year,” said Sexton.

In 2023, he chaired the PDC committee and hosted the largest PDC since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. His efforts were instrumental in raising $30,000 for health and safety scholarships and an additional $2,500 for a local charity that provides funding to Kids’ Chance, a non-profit focusing on children with parents who have experienced a disabling or fatal workplace incident.

“The profession of health and safety stands for more than protecting people, property, and the environment. It is also about how we act when the worst happens and reach out a hand to those in need,” said Sexton. “As a son of Appalachia, I watched my family lose life and limb to the mines. Giving back through volunteer service and partnering with non-profits like Kids’ Chance is how I honor my family and our profession.”

In addition to his volunteer efforts, Sexton has received several industry awards and accolades, including the Safety Professional of the Year Award in 2024 from the Arizona Chapter of ASSP. He also received the Emerging Leader Award from Eastern Kentucky University in 2022 and the Rising Star of Safety from the National Safety Council in 2020.

Sexton has spoken at several industry conferences, covering topics that include sanitation and its impact on autoimmune diseases, insurance and risk management, telematics data management, and airborne respirable crystalline silica for operators in mining and construction.

Sexton holds bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and psychology and a master’s in environmental health from Eastern Kentucky University. He is currently pursuing his doctorate in Safety Sciences at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He has a 4.0 GPA and has begun his dissertation research on topics that include diacetyl exposures and respiratory illness experienced by coffee shop employees and how dry county legislation in Arkansas and Kentucky has impacted health and safety outcomes in the workplace.

“My research interests impact areas of our workforce that have not been studied,” said Sexton. “The outcomes will greatly add to our body of knowledge.”

In addition to receiving the monetary award, Sexton will be recognized at the biennial BCSP Research & Innovation Summit in 2025 and at the 2025 BCSP Awards of Excellence Ceremony. Additionally, Sexton will be featured on the BCSP Foundation’s website and social media accounts and be invited to join BCSP’s Mentor Connect program.

The Dotson Award was created in honor of the appreciation for the mentorship and financial assistance that aided Kyle Dotson in his career journey. The award is a monetary grant that seeks to recognize and encourage early career professionals who have displayed excellence and leadership in the profession.

BCSP Foundation and Columbia Southern University Partner to Advance Safety Education and Practice

Throughout its history, the BCSP Foundation has partnered with industry allies to fulfill its mission of building a world where safety is universally valued and practiced. That vision continues to be realized through the programs, events, grants, and scholarships run by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) and the BCSP Foundation. These initiatives are made possible through strategic partnerships essential to our goal of creating a safer future.

Columbia Southern University (CSU) is one such partner that has supported the Foundation’s mission from the beginning. CSU shares our vision of creating a world where safety is a common core value in all industries and walks of life. Recently, CSU made a donation to the Foundation’s Dollars for Safety Scholars campaign, which raised funds to support the Foundation’s Qualified Academic Program (QAP) scholarships. Their contribution was pivotal in supporting the educational journeys of aspiring environmental health and safety (EHS) students.

Columbia Southern University is an online university that began in 1993. It offers over 450 courses, more than 100 active degree programs, and has conferred more than 100,000 diplomas. It offers programs in Emergency Management, Criminal Justice, Cyber Security, Homeland Security, Fire Science, Forensic Investigation, and more. However, its biggest program is Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). Students attending CSU can expect to couple real-world experience with the latest industry best practices, providing them with the edge needed in a competitive job market.

Dr. Tamara Mouras is the Dean of CSU’s College of Safety and Emergency Services. Starting in 2011 in the Criminal Justice Department, Dr. Mouras presides over many of the department’s programs, including OSH. A day in the life of Dr. Mouras involves checking to make sure courses are running smoothly and meeting with Dr. Greg Boothe, CSP, CIH, the Academic Program Director for Occupational Safety and Health. One of its more recently launched programs is the Doctor of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH).

“As the leader in safety in higher academia, making sure that our commitment to our students is our number one priority,” said Dr. Mouras. “We want to make sure that we stay on top of all OSH programs and provide students with the best education relating to industry trends in OSH.”

As it relates to the recently launched DOSH program, Dr. Boothe ensures that there are enough professors receiving training to be on dissertation committees for the doctoral program. He works directly with the students, developing their prospectus, assisting in their research, and, for some students, narrowing their scope a bit.

“So many students come in, and their initial thought is to save the world,” said Dr. Boothe. “But in a doctoral program, we can’t save the world just yet; we have to narrow the prospectus to something they can complete, and then they can provide something to the field.”

Together with their colleague Travis Smith, Dr. Mouras and Dr. Boothe oversee the university’s degree programs in OSH, with a focus on the burgeoning doctoral program. The doctoral program has welcomed nearly 200 applicants since its launch in April 2023. “We work closely because that program has grown very quickly!” continued Dr. Mouras.

As the safety matter expert for the OSH program, Dr. Boothe provides a unique area of expertise. He joined the United States Air Force in 1978 as a missile launch officer, serving at the Titan II Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) system at the 390th Strategic Missile Wing (SMW) in Tucson, Arizona.

“I sat in an underground silo for three years, and I was a Plans and Intelligence officer,” said Dr. Boothe. “But as anyone who’s in the military knows, they always give you additional duties.”

Which is where Dr. Boothe was first introduced to safety. He was given the role of squadron safety officer, assuming responsibility for what they called the “AFOSH standards” for the missile silo. “This was the 70s, there weren’t a lot of OSHA standards to reference, and they certainly didn’t have any standards about working on nuclear missile silos,” continued Dr. Boothe.

As the squadron safety officer, he quickly understood the importance of safety when a missile exploded at a separate silo in Arkansas. “After I looked at the incident report, it was something that could have been prevented as a simple safety issue,” explained Dr. Boothe. “It was a simple fix.” That event unfortunately resulted in injuries and fatalities, but it led to Dr. Boothe and his squadron creating preventative measures to prevent a similar event from happening again.

Dr. Boothe also has a unique perspective on the importance of EHS credentials. In addition to being a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Dr. Boothe is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), the gold standard of safety certifications offered by BCSP. He earned the CSP certification while working at a major company with over 40 plants across the U.S. and Europe. “At that time, each country had its own set of regulations. So, going to Europe and dealing with regulations in Spain and France and Germany and Sweden, the CSP gave me more credence.”

One such benefit of the CSP came after the reunification of East and West Germany. East Germany owned most of the industrial plants and facilities, which the newly unified country was attempting to sell. Dr. Boothe’s company sent him over to provide an audit for seven of the facilities to determine if they should purchase the facilities and how much it would cost to bring them up to OSHA standards. “My CSP helped me in going over and doing that job and then presenting the material back to our management,” he continued.

Part of Dr. Boothe’s role also includes informing graduates of CSU’s bachelor’s and master’s OSH programs about BCSP’s Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) designation, which puts recent graduates on a fast track to attain the CSP. Prior OSH program leader Dr. Dan Corcoran secured a place for the programs on BCSP’s Qualified Academic Program (QAP) list. This placement allows graduates to apply for the Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) designation upon completion of their studies, and Dr. Boothe ensures the OSH programs continue to maintain this status. Holding the GSP means you have met the standards set by the Associate Safety Professional (ASP) blueprint, satisfying the credential requirement when applying for the CSP.

“That’s very important that our students know that if they go through the program and complete it, they’ve done enough to earn the GSP,” said Dr. Boothe.

Columbia Southern University takes pride in giving its students the best chance to succeed. It consistently demonstrates a dedication to student success through a range of tuition assistance and scholarship programs tailored to current and former military members. It also offers comprehensive student support services. Moreover, CSU’s fully online format provides a significant advantage for those who lack the time or resources to attend a traditional campus-based institution.

“Online is the way of the future,” said Dr. Mouras. “Whether you are in safety or criminal justice or nursing or engineering, it is how most institutions offer many of their courses now, and I believe we are ahead of the game.”

And with their commitment to advancing the profession through donations to organizations like the BCSP Foundation, they ensure we all stay ahead of the game. As we work together for the betterment of EHS practitioners and the profession, our collective efforts reinforce the importance of safety in both academic and professional settings. Together, we can ensure both current and future safety leaders are well-prepared to meet the challenges of this ever-evolving profession.

Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes. CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.

Apply for a Student Scholarship!

The $5,000 scholarship is available to juniors, seniors, or master’s students in a Qualified Academic Program.
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Applications Close October 3.