Working at Elevated Heights Serious Injuries and Fatalities Detection & Solutions, Grainger

Thom Kramer, PE, CSP, Chair Z359 Fall Protection Code; LJB, Inc. & David McCollum, CSP, Grainger Safety Consultant

Welcome to our third webinar in a series related to Serious Injuries & Fatalities (SIFs).

In this webinar, we will hear from David (Mac) McCollum CSP, Grainger Safety Specialist and Thomas Kramer, PE, CSP, Managing principal for LJB Inc. on working at elevated heights and how the potential for serious injuries and fatalities is a major concern.  Every organization has unique working at elevated heights risks, circumstances, and options that must be evaluated so that proper controls can be put in place to reduce the potential for serious injuries and fatalities.

At the conclusion of this Webinar, you will have a better understanding of:

  • Governing fall protection standards and consensus standards
  • Personal fall protection system equipment limitations
  • The importance of a risk assessment
  • Critical controls that are needed to reduce serious injury and fatality potential
  • Grainger’s Working at Elevated Heights solution

Credential Holders
After watching the video, submit your information for continuing education credits here.

Credential Holders

After watching the video, submit your information for continuing education credits here

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Applications Close October 3.