Mentorship in Safety: A Mentor-Mentee Phase Model
This presentation seeks to look at the mentoring relationship from a new perspective rather than the traditionally accepted and oversimplified older to younger, experienced to inexperienced, or manager to employee views. Through an evaluation of the usage of the term mentor in both the canons of professional safety and classic literature, key examples of exemplary mentors can be identified and studied.
Through this study, key characteristics of the people and relationships can be explored in order to determine how these characteristics influence the outcome of the relationship and invididvidual growth. Participants will be invited to additionally see how these characteristics apply to the mentoring relationships they encounter. Following this exploration of key characteristics, a Mentor: Mentee Phase Model will be introduced to illustrate the success it affords constructing strong mentoring relationships. We will highlight the value of the of the Phase Model to both the mentor and mentee. This model will serve as an overview of the journey that both the mentor and mentee take as they make a covenant and embark on this growth journey together. Key points in the relationship will be enumerated as well as how to progress as obstacles arise.
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