Each year, BCSP and the BCSP Foundation provide funding to EHS programs seeking accreditation or re-accreditation through ABET. These $10,000 grants will be used to offset costs associated with seeking accreditation for the first time or seeking re-accreditation.
Congratulations to the programs listed below on receiving the grant. We are proud to support you and your students!
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Master of Science in Occupational Safety Management
Marshall University
Occupational Safety and Health
Montana Technological University
Industrial Hygiene, MS in Distance Learning/Professional Track
Industrial Hygiene, MS in Industrial Hygiene
Occupational Safety and Health, BS
Murray State University
Occupational Safety and Health, MS
Occupational Safety and Health, BS
Southeastern Lousiana University
Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment
University of Cincinnati
Environmental and Industrial Hygiene
University of Central Missouri
Occupational Risk and Safety Sciences
Occupational Safety, BS
Industrial Hygiene
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Occupational Safety & Health
University of Oklahoma
Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Health Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Utah State University